产品别名 |
三合土拌和机,路面基层拌和机,车载式拌和机,稳定土拌和机 |
面向地区 |
Lime stabilized soil in soil mixed with crushed lime and water, a good pavement formed by mixing, forming, rolling (non highway) and subbase structure, soil and lime mixing evenly between lime and soil due to strong ion exchange, carbonation and crystallization, thus the soil properties changed. Although lime stabilized soil has many advantages and is widely used, it can maximize the performance of lime stabilized soil.
Stable soil mixing machine operation is simple, easy to use, as long as there is a tractor head, hanging on the car can be used, is not very convenient? And let you completely liberate your hands, do not need to manually break the soil and mix the lime soil, not only save time and energy, but also will not cause the staff to breathe in the polluted gas and dust because of mixing the lime soil. Jining Tian Tong, your wise choice. Come and contact me.
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